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Arcadia 是一個輕量級的Ruby語言的整合開發環境,採用Ruby語言編寫,使用的是 Tcl/Tk GUI工具包。主要的功能包括cide編輯、源文件瀏覽、語法highlight、code自動完成等,可以運行在裝有 Ruby 和 Tcl-Tk 的平台上,具有高可擴展性架構,支持快速的 GUI 應用開發。
平台:跨平台;授權類型:Ruby License
RDE is a Ruby IDE and editor on Windows. RDE is more light and quick than other IDEs. RDE is the GUI wrapper of debug.rb and editor. You can edit, run and debug your scripts by GUI interface.
Use RDE like a favorite Editor.
Do execute ruby scripts from editor without saving files and get the result without dos console.
Write scripts easily with HTML Help link, Input support features.
Edit the editing text with ruby on RDE.
Debug the scripts on RDE.
Platform: Windows ; License:no
Aptana RadRails 2 is a free, professional integrated development environment (IDE) for Ruby and Ruby on Rails applications. It include support for project navigation, smart code assistance, visual debugging and structure outlining.
Platform:unknown ; License:unknown
A cross-platform IDE for the Ruby programming language. It is distributed under the same terms as Ruby itself.
Platform:Cross-platform;License:Ruby License